I left for London at 16:00 with two friends. We caught a train to Liverpool Station, and then took the Underground to Oxford Street. Been there, done that. We went there, though, to be part of a BBC Radio broadcast! Cool!
See, Faye signed up and got free tickets for the show Laurence and Gus: Hearts and Minds. Never heard of it? That’s ok; neither had we. We got a bit lost, which was unfortunate as I was trying to look at least somewhat trendy and so decided to wear heels. After walking for 20 minutes I was cursing society’s insistence that outward appearances are vital for making a good impression. After 25 minutes I was glaring at any smartly-dressed woman. How dare she support this brutal culture!
But then we found the building after asking some joggers and other people who looked generally too busy to help out lost people. The security was stricter than at the airport. We had to take anything metallic out of our pockets, take off belts and anything around our wrists. That was all x-rayed while we walked through the metal detector, praying that we would not be tackled and frisked for forgetting to take off a ring. We got through alright, but security confiscated a spoon from someone in the audience.

The show was really quite funny, and reminded me at least partially of Prairie Home Companion. I especially liked the part which featured a queen and king- in chess. She was complaining that he just sat around all day while she did all the work. In the end he retorted “I can’t handle your nagging any more. I’m castling.” Ha-ha! The show isn’t up yet on the BBC iplayer, but when it is I’ll post a link.