Yesterday we went o Amsterdam! Wow! We took a double decker, lovely train to Amsterdam because the driver didn't want to navigate the harrowing streets. We saw big, old fashioned windmills and cows (and sheep!) We saw fields of daffodils, but no fields of tulips. It's still a bit early for those. We got to Amsterdam and split up into groups- one for the bikers and one for the non-bikers.
I was in the biking group, surprisingly! We rode around aimlessly for a while, then decided to go to the Van Gogh museum. We found out that entry was 15 euros, so only one person was willing to go. The rest of us spent the 1.5 hours having lunch and relaxing in the park by the museum. After lunch we went to the Rijk museum to look around. Why, we wondered, are museums so expensive? It was around 15 euros for that as well, and there were no student discounts.
We wandered back to the park to watch jugglers until Tina came back from the Van Gogh museum.
In the house there was also an interesting exhibit about rights and how many rights are necessary. They would explain an event (e.g. in the states the government can check what books you check out from the library.) The audience would then vote yes- it's alright to have that right taken away or no- that shouldn't be happening. Interesting! 100% of the people voted that the government should not be able to see what books people check out.
We later rode around a bit more and turned our bikes in. They cost 9 euros for the entire day. Not bad at all, I'd say!
-Soft serve ice cream in Holland is phenomenal. It's fluffily fabulous!
-Bikes are everywhere. There are ore bikes than cars for sure. And people respect cyclists. Crazy!
-A Dutch guy saw my name and said "you have a very Dutch name." I replied "I know!" and beamed.
-We hadn't had a dinner meal inside until dinner this night.
-David almost ran into a tram.
-Tina ran into a bike and a post.
-I like frites more than their British and American equivalents(chips/fries of course)
Were there any speeds on Lilith or was she old school? Were the brakes in the pedals? Did you tell the guy who said you had a Dutch name what your middle name was? Why are frites better than chips/fries? My friend Heleen used to eat her American fries with mayo!