Well, it's 4:23 in the morning, and it's as good a time as any to reconsider the title of this blog. Remember when I said "Brits in the Mist" was a good title because the weather's miserable mistiness manifested melancholy moods? (Perhaps with less sleep-deprived alliteration?) I accidentally slandered the lovely East Anglian weather.
It's sunny almost all the time! It's a bit windy but, frankly, I was expecting properly bad weather. I'm a bit depressed about the whole affair, to be honest. I wanted stories of running into things because the fog was so darn foggy. i wanted humorous anecdotes about the climate but "yes, the weather was grand again today" doesn't seem to cut it. Could the title have the same effect being "Brits in the Sun"? I think not! That just sounds like a feel-good pop song. Oh well.

What depressingly perfect weather! We shouldn't be climbing cherry trees, but morosely drinking tea and watching rain. But then again, of my threescore years and ten, 20 will not come again. And since to look at things in bloom, I think you'd agree, 50 springs are little room. So instead of complaining, about the woodlands I will go to see the cherry hung with snow! Well, I'll go right after a few other bits of news.
In other news: A few days ago I played tennis with some friends! The only weather-related problem involved the sun shining too brightly in our eyes.
In other news again: today I'm going to study by the lake in castle park in town! The weather should be magnificent.
In other-other news: I really like dentists' offices over here! Some (like the one I frequent) are in the residential areas. Thus, when one goes to the dentist the experience is similar to visiting a friend. (That is, of course, if one has the type of friends which cause intense pain and steal money afterward.) (So I guess it's more like getting mugged, or, I suppose, having a nightmare about Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Whatever you do, don't agree to being his neighbor! Don't trust him!)
In even more other-y news: I'll be visiting the dentist on Thursday. But he's nice enough! Speaking of "nice enough," my tooth has stopped hurting so I'm going to exercise my basic human right to happiness. (Which, as we all know, is a synonym of sleep. I even looked it up.) Goodnight!