Saturday, May 23, 2009

Radically Cool Root Canals

I took another exam today. Want to know what the subject was? Do you think I’ll tell you? Well, think again! Since the last one was a bit easy, here’s a (hopefully!) more difficult version of the fun puzzle game from last time. The rules are the same. But to recap: For each pair, fill in the blanks with THE SAME two letters to make the top word read forward and the bottom word read backward. Then write the two letters added to each numbered pair (in the order given) into the blanks at the bottom.

1. _ _ ugh
suol _ _c

2. s_ _ ll
el_ _ t

3. In_ _ te
cit_ _ rf

4. _ _ nial
erehpsi_ _ h

5._ _ nk
eta_ _

6. en_ _ se
k _ _ lb

7. i_ _ ubstantial
pa_ _

8. re_ _ rn
re_ _o

9._ _ ary
_ _ uqs

10. se_ _
se_ _ (yes! Another palindrome for the final one. Though this one’s a bit obvious.)

Answer to what the class was: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!

It went quite well! Yesterday I had a root canal and so had to ask the invigilator if I could take drugs of the pain-killing variety during the test. I liked this guy a lot more than the previous invigilator because of his response. He said “yeah it’s fine as long as you don’t take out pot and start smoking it or anything like that.” Oh well.

The root canal also went very well. I asked my Endodontist if he’d done a lot of root canals. He said that he had. I then asked, like a nervous patient trying to keep her mind off the coming procedure, if he had always wanted to be a root canal specialist. “Did you want to be a root canal specialist when you were a kid?”(Yes, I did actually use those words.) Surprisingly his answer was no. He only decided 10 years ago that root canals were the thing for him after becoming a bit bored with general dentistry. “Was that because you wanted the challenge?” I then asked with a mini fist-pump to accentuate the “challenge” part. That was the reason, or so he said. Maybe he just wanted more money.

Either way he did a wonderful job. Today at 8 49 a.m. I had my first drink of cold liquid in 5 months without either protecting my tooth or wincing in pain. It’s like a magic trick every time I do it! It’s so fun! Speaking of fun, today I get to celebrate my completion of another exam by seeing Night at the Museum II, and then having pizza and relaxing with friends. Hokey Pete. Life is good.


  1. I laugh at your callous attitude toward dentistry, but still you should respect the title. I know your innate feeling was probably frantic fear, but to your endodontist, it was probably just a menial chore that only involved the left hemisphere of his brain. Know you can always go to the rink to skate off your irate attitude, and encase those black feelings in aerobic exertion. This is not just an insubstantial snap decision. You need to return from your outer limits of insanity--Your diary is filled with stories of the mighty squid, whom you think sees all. I'm sure Tom will be interested to hear all you learned in Latin American Studies.

  2. Haha, that was brilliant! It took me a second to realize what was happening. I actually felt bad about saying those things to the dentist... But let's not talk about the squid problems, please. Some things are best kept undisclosed.
