Saturday, May 2, 2009

Birthday Bashes!

Birthdays are nice, aren't they? On Wednesday two of my friends had birthdays, so we had a pretty rockin' party. Then on Thursday I went to fencing and watched Peter Pan. Friday was another birthday celebration including karaoke, MGMT(which is a band) a toy wrestling thing, and an hour long walk.

Wednesday was particularly nice because I planned the party and actually had a pretty good turnout even though quite a few people are sick or frantically writing essays. I decorated with toilet paper streamers and black trash bags over the lights. It was fun! For the first hour there were only around seven of us, but it was alright because we played dodgeball with bits of paper. Then some more people came, and some more, and before we could eat all the food there were over 30 people in the small flat kitchen. It was certainly standing room only.

We went to Sports Fed(aka dance party!) to end the party which was also fun and dance-filled.

But before all the partying Madeline, Rossen, Chris and I went for a walk in the Essex countryside to try to find a spot of a famous painting. We didn't find it, but we did get to traverse through farmlands, have a grass throwing fight, and walk through a field with horses in it. It was lovely! Now I'm going to go have a picnic including tea and sandwiches at the lake. Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. Black trashbags over the lights? Why not just turn them off? Did light actually shine through? I wish I could have had tea with you by the lake.

  2. Dude, some light shone through. It was just less glaringly bright! You can have tea with me by the lake when you come! :D

  3. Stop! I can't stand it!!!!!!
