Thursday, January 29, 2009

On Ziplocs and Other Objects of Infinite Value.

I feel that I have written far too many entries to have ignored some of my most helpful (inanimate) friends on this journey.

The Ziplocs: Who would have guessed that a Ziploc would be worthy of mention? I certainly wouldn’t. But I think that people generally do not realize how precious something is unless they are figuratively slapped in the face by their need of the thing. For instance, I was told to pack Ziplocs. I thought to myself “why? I don’t need Ziplocs. They’re convenient, sure, but not good enough to be packed.”

Wrong! I needed a place to keep all my writing instruments. I needed something to house leftover pizza slices. I needed something to keep jewelry in. I needed something to guard my hand from a dead bug that I had to pick up. I went time and time again to the noble Ziplocs, who lay hidden on my upper shelf until I decided to use them. Shame! But then, the Ziplocs aren’t showy, and don’t really ask to be recognized. In fact, they’re a bit invisible, aren’t they? Still, I should tape them on the wall for the world to see; I should thank them for helping me when nothing else can assist me. And I know that they will be there for me if I ever need to ice a cake in a pretty way, or marinate some meat; I find hope in the fact that they have thousands of years until they decompose.

The Pocket Calendar: This friend is helpful as it helps me realize scheduling conflicts. For instance, I have two 2,500 word essays due March 2nd. I’m going to Barcelona from February 27th to March 1st. Maybe I’ll start them before I leave, then. These sorts of things are good to realize in advance.

The Computer: Also known as Lappy, Compy, and Poot. I really like Poot a bit too much, especially considering how old and decrepit she is. But I’ve had her since I was a bright-eyed teenage freshman entering college with no friends but dear Poot, and some other people. (Yes, I had some friends. I just wanted Poot to sound more important.) I use Poot to stay in contact with everyone, find out about classes, make computer programs, watch movies, and even write a blog. Zowee. She’s almost as helpful as the splendid Ziploc.

Yesterday I went to Jam Night, and then Sports Fed night at the on-campus club place. Sports Fed was fun, but much too warm. I am afraid that I will go deaf from all the loud music I listen to over here. I have two theories as to why they make the music so loud. One: the clubs want people to drink to numb their aching ear drums. This way, the clubs get more money from alcohol. Tricky. Another theory is that they keep the music loud so that people can’t actually talk to each other. That way, people don’t have to realize that the cute boy or girl is clinically insane, or exceedingly dull, or both. Thus, people will buy more drinks for cute strangers, generating more revenue for the clubs.


  1. When I needed a place to put my jewelry, I used the hair diffuser that came with my new, cheap british hairdryer. and as to your club revenue theories, I'd say its the latter, that definitely seems more plausible. Definitely.

  2. What will they do for Silent Disco then? Oh dear, there goes some good profit for them.

  3. Nothing new under the sun. The same guy who beat you to the punch with the concept of a pi-based number system also wrote about the noble ziplock before you.
    But I do prefer your treatment of the subject.

  4. That man... stealing young girls' ideas. Shame!
