Saturday, February 7, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different!

It has recently come to my attention that my blog postings may have made my life sound a bit more exciting than it actually is. So, let me give a breakdown of Thursday.

- 8 hours, or 1/3 of the day spent sleeping
- 3 hours, or 1/8 of the day spent in class
- 1.25 hours, or 5/96 of the day spent watching a play
- ~2 hours, or 1/12 of the day relaxing with flatmates
- ~2 hours, or 1/12 of the day watching The IT Crowd with Madeline
- 7.75 hours, or 31/96 of the day sitting in my room doing homework and skyping

As one can see, I spent most of my day in a hermit-like existence. So there. Now for some good news: I don’t need to get a root canal right away! I might need one later, but the dentist said that sometimes white fillings just take a while to “settle.” He also said “It looks like the filling might just be tickling the nerve.” Tickling? Really? Tickling. Apparently tickling is British-speak for causing intolerable agony that feels like one is having one’s tooth be macerated in a dull blender. Silly dentist.

Now, I mentioned a play in the breakdown of my day. This play needs to be explained. My friend Faye is a drama student, and told me that I should see a play called Anima with her. Apparently it’s world renowned physical drama. It’s proably the weirdest thing I have ever experienced. It started with a guy carrying a mermaid with a cellophane tale to a swing. That was the most normal part of the play.

But here, I can’t do it justice, so check out this link if you’d like.

Faye got me in for free, which is good because, as I was enthralled during the play, it really didn’t have any obvious themes and I didn’t leave saying “ah, that helps me understand the world”. It says it’s about “dreams and the subconscious.” That’s what they all say. But it didn't inspire any deep thought, really, since everyone could come up with their own interpretation and no one I talked to really had any meaningful interpretation. I guess I just like plays/art that I can look at and consider and have meaningful conversations about afterward without reference to Freud. Anyways, I hope everyone had a nice weekend; I’ll discuss mine in a later entry. Good night!


  1. I checked out that link. I think I'd rather have a root canal.

    Wow, they have 24 hour days over there? Weird!

    And keep up the local nightlife post - More "party" less "smarty". It gives your mother something to think about all day.

  2. I can't wait till your cousins in CA grow a little older. We'll see who likes to think about what.

  3. I sense quite a bit of angst. You guys should go see Anima; it'll help you connect with your inner child/subconscious. Then you can stop all this needless bickering and anger.

  4. I think your mum's problem is her outer child.
