Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ready for Riddles?

Based on a Puzzle-a-Day calendar, I decided to make a fun rhyme/riddle! I also should be writing papers right now. Ah well! For this riddle, you can find two different answers to this “letter selection rhyme.” That’s what the calendar called its version.

My first letter is in damp and also in pandering.
My second’s the only vowel supersonic is missing.
My third is in crone and also in rancid,
And my fourth is a consonant in excite and scented.
I end with what is in “hey!”
And also in yellow and grey.
My whole is what you will see
If you come to England and see me!
_ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _

Alright, here’s another riddle-type-thing that I thought of while I was in class.
This one is more of a code, and it just gives you one word. Also, please don’t make fun of me when you get the word. Ah well. It’s just fun to use 2’s for a code!

1: Start with the Pythagorean’s most perfect number
(If we want to make this solely 2s do the following:
Start with 2. add 2*2. divide by 2. add 2, then multiply by 2.)
2: Take that number and divide by 2.
3: Take the previous number and add 2, then multiply by 2.
4: Take the previous number and add (2*2^2), then divide by 2 and subtract 2.
5: Take the previous number and add 2.
6: Subtract 2 from the previous number, then subtract (2*2*2).

Finally, here’s my personal favorite riddle set that I’ve made up. They’re so funny! And you have to answer in rhyme. I made them up around the time when I was in 7th grade, so don’t call them immature! Ah, well!

Here is my poem, riddle, and pun.
I hope you think it is quite fun.
Who looks at an abbey and thinks “ ‘tis not shabby”?
The answer, of course is _________!

Here is my pun, riddle and poem.
I hope it does not make you moan.
What do you call a ‘bot that talks quite a lot?
The answer, of course, is a ________!

Do you have the answers? I’m trying to think how to work this. Do you want the world to know that you know? I guess you could comment, and everyone could go on the honor system that they won’t look at previous answers. But then, I know you people. Hmm. Ah well, good luck! By the way, if there’s a huge outcry for more of those letter selection rhymes, I’ll be happy to oblige! They’re not too difficult to think up. Maybe my next one could flow better, and have more coherent lines!


  1. "Party."

    -3 (I'm pretty sure I got this wrong)

    "No-one". ("Nun" doesn't scan well, and it's a slant rhyme)

    "Flesh eating gorilla"

  2. I got "Party", 17 (not sure where that came from), "a Nun", and "Phone".

    This is amazing. I could never create these.

  3. I hate to say this, but the first one has two answers! That's why there's two _ _ _ _ _ things. I guess I should have explained that.

    The second one spells out a word; so the first one says Pythagorean's most perfect number, which would be, say, the 10th letter in the alphabet. then the second would be 10/2 etc.

  4. ps, as some people got confused, neither of the answers are articles of clothing. I didn't realize other words could be made. I apologize.

  5. Dance party.
    a monk! (slant rhyme)
    flesh eating gorilla (that's just a fun thing to say. I have to agree with my brother.)

  6. Ok, I'll change the last answer to flesh eating drone. That's still kind of fun to say.

  7. Oh, sure, you kids these days have your flesh eating drones, but when I was your age, we had REAL flesh eaters. None of your fancy schmancy clean and chromed drone eaters, nosiree, we had big hairy GORILLAS with bad breath and bad table manners. THOSE were REAL flesh eaters, when THEY ate your flesh, well, you really knew you'd had your flesh eaten....
